Creating an exceptionally attractive piece of content is surely vital to attracting the right amount of audience. With a highly crafted content, your promotion strategy is on point.

Yet you see your website traffic is stagnant. You are waiting for those eager readers to read your latest posts. But all you see are a few crickets.

You keep analyzing your site on Google Analytics to see if any post went viral.  You keep including content in your content marketing strategy.

It is a well-known fact that SEO tactics will help you increase your website ranking. You think SEO will bring your website in search engine and supercharge your traffic. There are strategies that don’t involve SEO but helps your website make noise online.

These are a few methods that will help you gain traction of your website again and make conversions on the process.

1. Don’t Formulate It-

Juggling between content marketing plans, social media plans, and email marketing plans, you have too much on your plate. It can’t just get a website traffic drive without any proper planning.

You need to have proper strategic planning with so much on your plate. Started with a business plan, then came content marketing in the picture, the next is an email strategy. It should have a similar foundation when it comes to lead generation.

It can be tempting to through the planning process which can cost you in the long run.  The trail and error procedure is far too time-consuming.

The solution-

Don’t do anything. Keep making the changes as you observe what works for you best with your audience and customers during the marketing procedure. You will automatically start growing traffic.

This will craft a winning traffic generation marketing strategy which can bring the business to a whole another level.

2. Jump Head First Into Online Question/Answer Forum-

If you are an internet person, you must have surely engaged in discussions forum online.

Quora is one such huge platform, where you can discuss hundreds of topics. For business owners, one person company and bloggers it is a platform like no other.

Famous influencers and business owners engage in discussions and conversations on Quora on regular basis to make a appearance online.

Quora can help answer any question that helps others. In this process, you can link your website or blog posts answering their queries and indirectly making that appearance online.

Hacks to attract more traffic

As far as you are providing genuine value to people, Quora can be a goldmine.

3. Optimize for the target audience-

You may have 100000 views to your website, but only a few high-quality target visits to your site. Then you are not getting too many conversions or leads. Know your customers is the key to today’s inbound marketing. It can be a deal breaker to know your audience and customers.

You cannot sell a product if you don’t know someone, their likes, dislikes, and struggles. Narrow your target market, so that you can save time and resources that can be utilized for better business purposes.

How to narrow the target market?

  • Decide on gender and demographics
  • Look at your target as one person instead of a group of people
  • Find out about their struggles.

Everybody may not be interested in purchasing your products or services. But the right people will always do. The right set of people will eagerly wait for your next article or your emails. And finally, they will turn into loyal fans.

4. Get Into The Video Marketing-

Video marketing is the future buzz. If you are not doing video marketing yet, well now is the time to start with it.

You are missing on a huge amount of traffic, leads, and sales in your business.

By 2020, 80 % of the internet search traffic will be for video content.


Where can you utilize video marketing?

  • Start with Facebook live videos.
  • Do Facebook lives on your Facebook page
  • Start Your own YouTube Channel
  • Repurpose your Facebook Live and YouTube videos to put your website in tune with your blog.
  • Go live on Instagram as an important part of your social media strategy.

The best part of video content is that it can be repurposed again and again. Repurposing saves time and you can spread your videos worldwide.

Any type of video is great for your business. But you majorly need to concentrate on going live for more impact and traffic on your site. You will thank video marketing as the traffic soars on your website.

5.Update Old Posts That Performed Well-

You must have written a brilliant article two years ago. But once you have forgotten about it, these articles will fade away until they are dead completely.

Your business will not have shot from benefitting from it. A lot changes in 2 years so updating that post for relevance and accuracy is important if you want to bring traffic to your website.

How to update an older post?

  • Look for errors
  • Consider switching your keywords for better-performing keywords.
  • Remove unnecessary words
  • Create a new content upgrade and improve conversions for each post
  • Start using this post social media platforms

Don’t touch your URL slug otherwise, it will be redirected to the famous “404 page”. Now if that post is on Pinterest 2000 times that is 2000 links to a 404 page.

For WordPress users it becomes very easy you just need to use a redirection plugin. This is a free popular option for Redirection. But manual redirects are always better than free plugins.

6. Connect With Other Business Owners With Similar Niche-

Having good public relation is a key to run a successful business. You must have connected with your customers a million times. But you are missing out on reaching with your businesses with similar niche.

This will have a positive impact on your ROI. By connecting to entrepreneurs with a similar business, it will help you more than just generating traffic.

Ways to build a relationship with business owners-

  • Find influencers and business owners in your niche on social media.
  • Share valuable content they post
  • Comment on their blogs
  • Join Facebook related to your niche
  • Reach these people on email
  • Conduct a round post with your favorite business owner.

As a new in business,  it may frighten you. But the truth is people will not reject you. Because businesses know the power of building a network.

7. Use LinkedIn As Traffic Generation Machine-

Linkedin has always been a well-known place to search and obtain for employment. It may surprise you, but it is a fantastic platform to grow B2B traffic.

Whenever you search the web, you must have seen that most of the articles come from Linkedin.

Linkedin has the option of sharing your content and also writing directly on the platform.

Build an eye-catching profile and share blog posts and write content directly on the platform. Join groups within Linkedin and connect with a number of people in your industry.

8. Focus On Backlinks-

Google decides your business destiny online. Your focus should solely not be SEO. You should be putting time and effort into the right SEO strategies.

Backlinks are the most well-known strategy to put your business to the top. Think of backlinks as a tool for popularity contest in the business world.

How to earn Backlinks?

  • Guest post
  • Involve influencer
  • Participate in roundup posts
  • Mention other influencers in your content and reach out to them.

As you are aware, Google ranking on page one is a half race won by a high volume of traffic. You expedite this process by using backlinks. They are the best way to land on every search engine radar.

The traffic you generate is the foundation of your business. Without people pouring into your website and going through your content, there will be a struggle to compete. You can keep a close eye on backlinks by using tools like Ahrefs or Semrush.

Once your marketing strategy is sorted, you need to look for ways to convert these target audiences into customers. Craft a compelling, undeniable offer. This how you can optimize your content marketing funnel. This will bring new prospects into your sales funnel.